Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beauty from Pain

On Thursday, 8/7, Angie was doing a round-off back handspring on the tumble track at her gym when she twisted her ankle while jumping off of her ankle. Miss Darla called and said that it was pretty swollen and they felt we should have it looked at. I picked her up and took her to the After Hours Pediatrics (Great Experience!) where they took an x-ray and discovered her ankle was fractured and that when she had stubbed her toe earlier in the day, she had chipped a piece of the bone off her baby toe of the same foot (could have caused the second accident??). Anyway, they splinted it up and decided that the fracture was very close to her growth plate and that we should take her to St. Joe's ER and have an Orthopedic Doctor take a look at it. Again, Praise the Lord, a very good experience (for an ER trip - we even had valet parking). They decided that the splint was fine and we need to have her keep it elevated for the next few days and see an Orthopedic Doctor this week. We have an appointment on Monday afternoon and my prayer is that the swelling will be down and they will be able to put a cast on it. Angie is going crazy being stuck on the couch - and we're getting a little weary of waiting on her hand and foot.


Blooming Where We're Planted said...

I'm so proud of you guys!! I love it!! Kiss the boo boo for us!

Kim said...

Yeah Laurie... and the girls..
we want to see pics of the cast!
Hang in there ang...